Sunday, September 09, 2007

so far so good.

At the begining of the year I made this list of goals.

1. Permit (Drivers ED 2-3 and 2-5)
2. Graduate Jr.High
3.Disneyland/world (whatever ones in Flordia)
4. 16th birthday!!
5. Licence
6. Go to high school
7. Christmas
8. 2008

1 is done now have licence.
2. I did.
3. Did, it was awesome.
4. Passed.
5. Got it!
6. There now.
7. and 8. still waiting for.

Lifes been good.
been really busy.


Have a great week.



solowest said...

yay zach!

my goals are 1. lose weight.
2. lose weight.
3. lose weight.

1,2&3 have not happened so far..oh well i'm still workin on it..haha. i wonder what my goals for next year will be...

Monica said...

Quit worrying about your weight miss prissy and work on your health. You're cute as heck and there isn't anything wrong with you. YOu will not be tall and slender like K. Give it up. Be strong with firm (fat) and you'll be as sexy as any skinny girl. Oh, this is Zach's blog.....ooops!

Hi Baby. Guess what. Lindsay is having a baby boy on Dec 28. OMG. You guys are growing up sooooo fast. I love you. Good job on the goals. Better start adding onto the back end. The year is almost over.