Friday, December 28, 2007

hey guess what!

It's almost the new year!!!

this is my 131st post!!


Things here have been good. Ate at a fancy Italian resturant yesterday,which was very good. Relaxed all day today, then played some cards with the grandparents.

O, btw, I shaved my moustache. haha

Been pretty busy. Shooting fire works off on monday so that will be fun.

I will try and update again before I leave.

Happy Early 2008!



Anonymous said...

did u go to oakdale public school? do u play the flute? are u jewish?

solowest said...

wow....that's sooo not his instrument....haha..happy early 2008!!

zach and aunt monica-your "surprise" will come soon!! =]

love you guys!

Zach Green said...

i play the sax and im christian.

wheres oakdale at?

Anonymous said...

o never mind then u sound exactally like my old frind from elementary school and your house looks exactally like his too!

Anonymous said...

but he and his family are not jewish any more. me and my friends started bringing them to our church and then they got saved.

Anonymous said...

my blog (all dedicated to psp)