Friday, August 10, 2007


A new driver!!!


I got it this morning, after waiting in line at 5:45 in the morning.
They were booked on Thursday and said come back at 6am and wait in line.

So we did.

And now I have a licence.


Last band practice tonight 6-9 before school starts.

Last weekend of the summer of 07'.

Have a great weekend!



solowest said...

me 2!!! i'm sooo excited!!!

solowest said...

have a GREAT first day of school!! love ya!

solowest said...

how was ur first day of school??

i thought about you all day (well most of the day-----ok so maybe just like right now, but you get the idea..)

i heart you

solowest said...

haha...the i heart you thing was wierd....ok and incase ur day didn't go so great, i want you to know your a terrific person and that i'm here if ya wanna talk (haha).....

but if your day went great or ok.....yay you!!!!

solowest said...

wow i'm really random........3 messages in 3 minutes....haha

solowest said...

ok make that 4 in 4 minutes


i'll stop.....

heehee i'm funny.....

ok i'm done